Danny grew up an Air Force child. He was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming and moved every few years to a different base. He even spent some of his younger years in Spain. Eventually his family landed in Myrtle Beach and that is where he graduated from High School. He immediately went into the Navy. He was an electronic warfare technician and served on the USS Moosebrugger (DD-980), USS Patterson (FF-1061) and the USS Samuel Eliot Morison (FFG-13).
After 6 years in the Navy, he then spent 5 years in private sector in research and development for a chip manufacturing company. He spent an additional 8 years in private sector for a communication company which was ranked as one of the top 5 communication companies in the United States.
Danny has always had a passion for flying and decided the Air Force Reserves is where he was meant to be. He has been in the active Reserves for 17 years and is currently a Loadmaster on the C-17. This has been his full-time job until becoming a Realtor with his wife, Kelly.
Danny has lived in South Carolina over 40 years, 14 of those years were spent here in Charleston. He has 4 children ranging from 35 years old down to 12 years old and he has 4 grandchildren. Combined with Kelly, they have 6 children. Together they have a very full life and take advantage of every minute.
Feel free to contact Danny at any time: DannySellsCharleston@gmail.com / PH# 843-251-5017.